Who Would Choose Video Games Over Sex? Lots of Guys.

I can't count the number of times that I have heard from frustrated wives who complain that their husband's number one social and stress-relieving activity is playing online video games. They feel that they come second to their husband's Halo friends. With this next generation of young married men who cut their teeth on X-Box, I'm afraid we're going to see this more and more.

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How to Disciple Your Kids...Badly

"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing...badly."

We can dream about the "right" way to teach our kids and to pray with them and to share spiritual truth, but usually our dreams involve great big plans that we never get around to doing. So we end up doing nothing.

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Barrett JohnsonComment
Let Your Boys Be Boys

From Jenifer: "When Landon was little I nearly shut down the "Wild at Heart" outdoorsy call God had on him. I had Lindsey first so the two of us girls just sort of set a pattern of wanting to tell Landon not to get dirty, to not wiggle so much, to do things our way. I truly didn't REALLY understand and appreciate the differences between  little girls and boys."

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After Earth - A Must-See Movie for Fathers and Sons

Depending on the age of your kids, a father/son movie night might be in order this weekend. After Earth might be the ideal launch pad for some great discussions about what a dad can do to instill confidence in his son. It may also give dad the chance to express how difficult it can be to let go and to trust God to complete His work in his children.

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INFO for Families is now on Pinterest

I want to give a disclaimer to all the guys out there: I'm not all interested in hanging out on Pinterest for hours at a stretch, clicking on cute shoes, hairstyle looks, and home decorating ideas. Do not revoke my man card. However, given the site's popularity, I thought it was worth using as a means to highlight posts from INFO for Families.

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Why The Great Gatsby is Great for Teens

Those in Hollywood are the storytellers of our generation and popular movies are their primary medium. Their impact on our kids can be evaluated by how many millions of dollars they rake in on opening weekend. While most of the movies out there are mindless entertainment, sometimes we encounter a film that presents something far deeper. The Great Gatsby is one of those films.

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Changing the Laws to Make Divorce More Difficult

Should divorce be hard or easy? Should it be painful or painless?​ Should the legal steps become more complicated or should our lawmakers streamline the process?

​The one thing that parents should be required (by law) to carefully examine when considering divorce is the impact that it will have on their kids. While most parents believe that a divorce will bring peace to their lives (and thus a better life for their children), this is rarely the case. The kids almost always get the bum end of the deal.

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Are You a Selfish Pig?

At the core of each of our souls can be found our sinful nature and our selfish heart holding hands and singing “Kumbaya.” It is the truly sinful part of us that says, “I want my way” and asks, “What is in it for me?” While we are all prone to be selfish, this capacity must be slowly put to death if a marriage is to thrive.

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Barrett JohnsonComment
Seeing Your Marriage in Light of the Big Picture

​I try very hard to make sure most of what you find here at INFO is original content. But sometimes, I come across something so good that I have to share it. The email post I got from Jimmy Evans of Marriage Today is one such post. He wrote this morning about seeing the challenges of your marriage in light of the larger story that God is telling with your family. Take a few minutes to read what Jimmy wrote...especially if you are feeling like giving up.

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This Seems True to Me...

Moms are the "go-to" parent for most things. While dads have plenty to offer and can oftentimes provide the exact same help/information/resource that moms can, dads usually get a pass. Even as a 44 year old adult, I feel this every time I call home and my dad answers the phone. He's awesome in every way, but he is usually very quick to say, "Here's your mother." It's almost as if I have trained him to defer to her.

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Barrett JohnsonComment
What The Stock Market Teaches Us About Parenting

Imagine a giant line graph of the Dow-Jones Industrial Average. It tells a pretty wonderful story. It has a beautiful "up and to the right" look that screams success and growth. When you look at it from far away, you think, "I like the way that thing is going. I want to be a part of that!"

​But if you get up close to the graph and see the daily and weekly ups and downs of the market, it looks like a roller coaster. A scary one. It is inconsistent and unreliable. You never know what each day will bring.

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Barrett JohnsonComment
We Are the First Generation of Parents Who MUST Have This Talk

Generations of parents have had the same conversations with their kids. Whether it was 1910 or 2010, most every parent has felt the need to talk to their offspring about manners, character, and the birds & the bees.  They have lectured on “doing your best” and “fulfilling your potential.” They have probably discussed grand issues of God and faith and the afterlife. While our culture has changed, these conversations have remained essentially the same.

But there is a conversation that our generation must have with our kids that no generation before us has had to consider. We are the guinea pigs and there is no role-model to follow.

We have to talk to our kids about their digital footprint.

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