I Want to Punch Billy Ray in the Face

I'm not usually prone to fits of rage. I don't typically advocate violence. But I might be willing to make an exception.

I saw a link on my MSN home page yesterday that referenced the "racy new Miley Cyrus video." I have kids who have grown up watching the drivel on the Disney Channel and I've been watching the trajectory of young Miley's career for years, so I couldn't NOT look.

There will be many debates on line about the appropriateness of the video and the intentions of this young artist. There may even be discussions about the creative merit of the clip. But I don't care much about any of that. She's a young talent that is simply riding the wave of her stardom. She will most likely do whatever her handlers (managers, agents, publicists, etc.) encourage her to do. After all, they have a significant financial interest in the success of her future endeavors.

And this is a critical time. Everyone around her is certainly asking: Will she be able to make the transition from "teen idol" to "serious adult artist?" They are probably losing sleep over it. I'm sure her new video is a strategic component of their overall job security plan. But who is watching out for Miley?

That's why I want to punch Billy Ray in the face. He's the dad. That's his job. It's his responsibility to step in and say "No. It's not worth it. I would love for my daughter to have success, but not if she has to do this."

I'm sure he will release a statement in the coming days in response to all the criticism he is likely to get. I can't wait to hear what he says. But I'm betting that it's going to make me even more mad at him. I want to extend him grace and love...and I'm going to try. But our daughters need dads who will love them enough to protect them...even from themselves.

Anybody want to hold him down for me?

Here's the video. And just because I'm posting it here, it doesn't necessarily mean that I think you should watch it. Use your own judgment there.
