CONTEST: Caption This "Mating Ritual" Video

Sometimes you encounter something in the natural world that perfectly parallels married life.

We were watching a PBS special on the migration of birds last night. While that might sound boring, the up close footage of birds flying in Earthflight was absolutely extraordinary. It's totally worth setting your DVR. 

One part about barn swallows particularly caught our attention. Even though the 80 second clip was talking about birds nesting and mating, they could have easily been talking about married couples doing the same thing. Watch it below (or HERE if you don't see it) and see how many parallels you see.

Now for the contest.

We want to see who can come up with the best caption for the video clip. Head over to the INFO for Families Facebook page and comment on the link for the clip. Whoever gets the most "likes" this week will win a free copy of The Talks DVD and Study Guide. It's 2.5 hours of great teaching for your family.

Beyond keeping things PG-13, there aren't a lot of rules regarding what you can post. But here are a few suggestions of what we're looking for:

  • Suggest how these birds remind you of modern marriage.

  • Elaborate on a specific line/quote from the video clip. 

  • For bonus points, write in your best documentary narrator tone and describe the mating rituals of humans as it relates to housework/home maintenance.

After you post yours, go ahead and like a few others that make you smile. And for the record, Barrett and Jenifer's "likes" are worth double. We will announce the winner at the end of the week. 

If you want more insight into the specific issues that this clip brings up, we have a few blog posts from the past that might help. We have talked about the link between men who do housework and the amount of sex they have. 10 Surprising Foreplay Ideas for Husbands is also full of some great suggestions. 



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